Winchester Ammo S22LRT M-22 22 LR 40 gr Black Copper Plated Round Nose 1000 Bx/2 Cs (Bulk)

UPC: 020892102767

Current Price: $87.25 / $0.087 Price Per Round

*Pricing and availability are subject to change at any time without notice.

Winchester’s M-22 is a 22 long rifle with lead round nose designed for use in modern sporting rifles with high capacity magazines. This realistic tactical training load is perfect for practice, plinking or target shooting. This item comes 1000 rounds per can, and 2 cans per case.

43 in stock

*Total available from multiple warehouses, Please call for in-store availability.
Additional quantity available at a potentially higher price
Price Available Quantity
$88.18 80
$88.47 12