Concealed Carry Seminar with Adam Painchaud

Current Price: $95.00

*Pricing and availability are subject to change at any time without notice.

This (non-shooting) seminar is for those who are thinking about carrying a handgun or have already been packing heat for years. We will highlight the modern aspects of concealed carry and how to do it creatively in a manner that fits your lifestyle.

Discussed will be options for choosing a concealed carry firearm or concealing the one you already have. We will talk about wardrobe considerations and getting into a carry routine that works for you. In addition to hiding the gun, we will show and provide information on what ancillary equipment you should carry with it such as lights, spare ammo, edged tools, and other things. Most methods of concealed carry will be covered including appendix, hip, and small of back waistband carry (inside and outside), ankle carry, pocket carry, shoulder carry, off body concealment and more. Pros and cons to different methods will be discussed and shown. This seminar is applicable to both men and women.

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